Bindanticod - the best Counter Strike 1.6 anticheat
Binds the End, Insert, Delete, F9, F12 tabs (these
are the tabs used to enable cheats) on Disconect. Who uses these tabs
will automatichally disconect.
Admin gag
This plugin allows you to gag players from using say_team,say or voicecomm. It also echos admin actions
based on amx_show_activity. The plugin can also block gaged clients from changing their nick.
Admins with immunity will not be executed on, unless their executing on themself.
amx_gag <nick/userid> <flags (a/b/c)>
<time in seconds> // lets you control what you want to gag
amx_gag <nick/userid> <time in seconds> // Will automaticly add the abc flag.
amx_gag <nick/userid> // Will add abc flags, and 600 secounds gag.
amx_gag <nick/userid> <flags> // Will add 600 sec to gag time
amx_ungag <nick/userid> // Will remove all "gags"
Modules required:Engine Flags :a == normal say / b == team say / c == voicecomm
Admin freelook
The admin can see every player when he is "dead" even if
the server is set to block the "dead" players to view the other team`s
Amx Fuckoff
Worst punishments for cheeters !
Use it with responsibility because it slowhacks the players changing their configurations file .
See the commands typing amx_help to console.
Knife mod
This plugin changes the default knife with new types of
knives : machete, bak knife, butcher knife, pocket knife, each of them
having a speciffic skill. Install it like any other plugin and then copy
the knife-mod into HLDS\cstrike\models folder ( HLDS is the main
directory of your server).
While playing "say/knife” in console to open the on screen menu .